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About the Author: admin


  1. I’ve only seen knife so far. But before I watch the rest let me guess.
    Knife, para cord, fire starter, water sanitizer and a tarp or torch.
    What an original video that we’ve never seen before ma dude 👌🏻

  2. Don’t get it confused guys. A lighter will always work best, just keep a pack of cheap lighters in your survival pack. 6 lighters will keep you going for a year if you can use them right

  3. 1. PLB or satellite messenger
    2. Knife
    3. Bic lighter in an Ecotac case
    4. Nylon tarp
    5. A bag of Food
    Lets face it, you have a PLB. In an emergency youll be rescued in 24 hrs anyways. Make a fire, make lunch, and wait it out. Kind of eliminates the survival when you have a PLB.

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