7 Tips That Could Save Your Life If You Get Lost In The Wilderness

There’s a lot of information about how to stay alive if you are trapped in a survival scenario. You don’t have to watch all of them.


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About the Author: admin


  1. As someone who is trained in search and rescue, has gone on several missions I will tell everyone the advice in this video is useless. Your first concern is surviving the first night by making sure there are no hazards such as flooding, lightning, etc. Then protecting yourself from the elements bu building quick shelter.

  2. As mentioned, telling someone where you will be and when you will come back is the single most effective AND easiest survival technique. Having the remote possibility at least of a helicopter coming to get you is way more valuable than expertly creating a janky trap to possibly catch a rabbit or whatever.

    The first thing to do is: nothing. Recognize your own psychology. When panicked, the brain will narrow its focus rather than broaden it. You'll also get a boost of adrenaline that can quickly turn in to action that harms you. What you want to NOT do is run around like crazy trying to find a way out as if you're chased by hornets. That's how you possibly injure yourself, waste energy, and get totally turned around. You may not feel calm, but you want to be as deliberate as possible with every move. That's the mentality that allows you to notice your surroundings. It's a good idea to mark your spot by piling sticks / rocks the very moment you realize you're lost. From there, you can slowly try to retrace your steps–but you want to have a starting point so that you can return to it rather than go from kinda lost to really, really lost.

    The tips in the video about finding clean water or starting a fire really need to be elaborated on (which wasn't possible in an 8-minute video, of course). There's no way one could start a fire just given the instructions above (it shows putting in green pine needles–that's not gonna work to get it started. Only after it's huge would you do that to create a smoke signal). Watch separate videos. It's totally accessible, but takes some knowledge. Better yet, practice. Regarding water, there are also tips there. If you find a stream source that starts from the ground, that can be good because the water is potentially filtered more rather than in a stagnant puddle. Stuff like this. Lots to learn. And best to do it gradually over time. Stay safe!

  3. A brown bear will often swipe at your exposed organs if it sees them moving. They don't just leave you for dead, they make damn sure you're dead. That's why people will say to have a good backpack so hopefully it by the time it's done messing up the pack it'll be convinced you're dead and leave you alone.

  4. ALTE HERR PILLER CHA NIT MOL DE LINK GE DANKE NICO ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™โœ๏ธโœ๏ธโœ๏ธโœ๏ธโœ๏ธ

  5. Number one thing is, dont get lost to start with. How come so few people use the off-line gps mapping apps like Maps.me or Gaia.
    Or carry a Garmin GPS unit if you can afford it. Maps.me even has a breadcrumb trail feature on it, so you can always find your way back. On longer hikes good to carry a spare phone battery charge pack and cable.

  6. Cactus water is only safe if it's certain species of cactus. All cactus fruits are safe, but the main body of the cactus is not always safe. If you see a cactus and don't know its species, it's better to just eat the fruit from it and leave the rest alone. Species that are 100% safe include the agave (technically a succulent but still related), the dragon fruit cactus, and the prickly pear cactus. There may be more than that, but those are just the species I personally know are safe because I've eaten them before.

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