Top 5 Tips for Wilderness Survival

Paul shares his top 5 tips for wilderness survival. Shirts and patches from Tristar Trading Co: Other …


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  1. AAR: After Action Review/Report
    ENT: End of Nautical Twilight
    BNT: Beginning of nautical twilight
    After sunset there is a period of twilight. The moment that period ends and the night is as dark as it's going to get, that's ENT In the morning before sunrise, the moment that you first start seeing light in the sky is BNT
    Many people have commented about my shortcut. Leaving the road and going through the bushes was NOT a shortcut. It made the trip longer. It was about going off road and negotiating obstacles, not about making the trip shorter.

  2. I tracked Paul easy that day. I found him shivering on top of that hill. Watched him waking up every half hour or so to collect the firewood that I was dropping off for him. I even went on ahead and spooked a squirrel out into his path the next morning. Pretty sure he never even knew I was there. He was so easy to track.

  3. To be honest, if you have dry wood and dry conditions, a butane lighter and kerosene but cannot start a fire, you have no business in the wilderness unless your dad is taking you.

  4. Paul is of course absolutely right about the gonna crowd, and the matter of being under AND over-prepared. I hike up some mountains local to me a few times every summer, and these hikes involve being out on the mountain and away from my car 6-8 hours at a time, often less. Even for these casual, local hikes in very familiar territory, I have a backpack with a variety of things in it:

    Lots of bottled water – the hotter it is, the more I bring

    A good sized sandwich for the lunch I know I will have at the summit

    2-3 cans of something hearty like Dinty Moore beef stew and plastic spoons just in case

    A simple first aid kit and a small bottle of rubbing alcohol

    An Altoid tin with a lighter, Ziploc bagged matches and candles, and one of those cheap store-bought flint kits

    Paper towels and a few terry cloth towels

    A couple contractor size thick garbage bags

    Two different flashlights with fresh batteries as well as a set of extra batteries

    A handcrank weather radio with internal flashlight

    A box of 9mm for my carry pistol

    A large Buck knife

    I also have my holstered 9mm pistol as well as a pocket knife on me.

    My bag weighs 25-30 pounds and I have no problem carrying it all day on these hikes up to around 10k feet elevation. I’m a big strong guy and in decent shape, thanks in part to regular excursions like this.

    I also make regular trips into the deep desert for a variety of reasons. On these trips I bring WAY more food and water than I would need even for a week, as well as all the other items in my hiking bag, multiplied by ten. I do all that JUST IN CASE I ever have a problem, and because there is no reason not to. It’s very easy.

    01 – 00:16 — Intro 📹{a very unique intro}
    02 – 01:26 — Keep your ego in check
    03 – 06:05 — Setting the stage for the incident
    04 – 07:03 — The video thumbnail of Paul in his tiger stripe BDUs + Jungle Boots
    05 – 08:17 — The "Boring" Story 🌧
    06 – 13:05 — "It was well after ENT"
    07 – 13:16 — Paul makes camp for the night 🏕🔥
    08 – 14:54 — Paul had a 6-pack of Pop-Tarts and a full canteen (the legend begins)
    09 – 15:40 — "Finally at BNT…"
    10 – 16:12 — ✳Paul had people looking for him✳
    11 – 18:13 — You got to keep your ego in check
    12 – 18:43 — wE trACkEd yOu EaSy! 🤪
    13 – 19:11 — Guys, you've got to keep your egos in check
    14 – 19:31 — What went Wrong?
    15 – 21:04 — You gotta keep your ego in check
    16 – 23:08 — What went Right?
    17 – 25:33 — Paul's 5-point definition of Wilderness Survival
    18 – 25:54 — Point 1: In the Field
    19 – 26:10 — Point 2: Under Adverse Conditions
    20 – 27:02 — Point 3: When you have to spend one night or multiple nights
    21 – 28:29 — Point 4: When you had not intended to
    22 – 30:03 — Point 5: When you were not prepared to
    23 – 30:15________ The Top 5 Tips ________
    24 – 30:29 — 1.) Stay out of the situation; avoid it
    25 – 31:50 — 2.) Know yourself and seek self improvement
    26 – 33:42 — 3.) Carry gear that is commensurate with your abilities or skill level
    27 – 35:02 — 🎯 Tip 3 Demonstration – Shoot at a distance you are capable of
    28 – 37:12 — 4.) Don't overpack
    29 – 38:23 — Paul carries a hi tech mini light (could be an Olight i1R 2 EOS flashlight)
    30 – 39:18 — 5.) Put your gear in an easy to carry bag, pack or even a "survival jacket"

  6. Becoming fat adapted pretty much negates any fear of impaired survival prospects due to lack of food for the average person. Diet is important. I can easily go 7 days plus with no food with zero reduction in perceived available energy because of this. Water is far more critical. Pop tarts are the wrong answer, sorry Paul. Carrying some pemmican or that squirrel in your pocket was the right direction.

  7. Coming in pretty late to this video but, anyone whose been lost in the woods at night w/o signal/GPS knows how easy it is to get turned around when you “think” you are going the right way

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