If multiple catastrophes happened at once in the U.S. and no help was coming, would you know what to do? We’ll look at what you …
If multiple catastrophes happened at once in the U.S. and no help was coming, would you know what to do? We’ll look at what you …
Download the Start Preparing! Survival Guide here: https://bit.ly/3xWhVwZ … start your preparedness journey today: https://bit.ly/3xZhWlY
Very good thank you very much
Even Putin states the US will be blasted back to the past turned into a third world country. Maybe it’ll happen with event like this….. protect your family and protect your community and protect your country
I may be the only "resource" my neighbor have…WHAT? As soon as they find out you are prepped…..you now have become their neighborhood "handout store" and they'll tell their families and friends all about you…..FACT! Absolutely keep your mouth shut…they had time to prepare but CHOSE NOT TO…….and that was THIER choice they have to live with. Review the story of the ant and the grasshopper and learn from it! They've been spending their money on all kinds of non important and stupid toys, gadgets, Starbucks, $100 shoes, video games and movies to "keep up with their friends" on social media while you've been scrimping, saving and prepping. Now they EXPECT you to help take care of them? OMGosh…….. Sad to say, I have no doubt they voted blue, and will do it again!
Number ONE tip….do NOT live in a city if you can avoid it. You may survive the initial impact, but your neighbors will act VERY differently toward you when it happens….FACT! And now we have 6 MILLION illegals who have crossed the border in the past 3 Biden years……add THEM to this mix and see what happens! Thanks, Liberals!
*Other than food and water, alcohol, tobacco (products) and Ammunition are great barter items too…..think about it.
This is paranoia. Other countries go thru 'doomsday events' and seem to get aid and relief from the international community all the time. I would imagine that if the shtf, people in general would come together and help each other. I just don't think it's rational to believe that the world will fall apart and there will be anarchy with looters and home invaders. With all the refugees in the world, its more likely that people will just leave and go somewhere else…. and those that stay behind to scavage and live in solitary confinement the same way that homeless people do are supposed to be more prepared??? It's paranoia and the only way this scenario can take place is a global natural disaster like an asteroid, in which case we are probably better off dead.
I just met a guy who said every hurricane in florida he’d take a bunch of acid and stand outside. I was like bro what lmao. Why floridians like this.
The biggest catastrophe we will have is if biden remains being guided by obama …. .we are on our way down. I don’t trust our current president.
We're all going to die !!!!! 😅😅 lol
I like the way that the majority of "preppers" on you tube are selling things.
Which makes their videos nothing more than infomercials.
Burn barrels for waste disposal but I would go through everything and salvage what I could before burning.
Stock up on ammunition
in ten days people starts to eat corpses.
Man these videos do not age well. Live every day to the fullest!
One of your best pepper guides is to be on X so you know what's going on… most don't
Most people have no idea how to live outside the current system… and they are too busy to learn…😢
Get a cb radio, but theres no electricity???
Learn to live like the Amish now.
Gas and water should be before
You will need a pistol. You can get surprised up close without a Shotgun or Rifle. Also some good knives. NOT kitchen knives.
God help us if this happens
Our town was flooded and it took a month to restore basic services. The first week was fine, the second week was tough, by week three people were just so annoyed no one wanted to help anyone and the stores were EMPTY! Week 4, even family outside the effected area didn't want us coming over to take showers, but food in the stores was back. I am not sure what would have happened if week 5 wouldn't have been restored to normal.
It’s so interesting how people use the word Post-Apocalyptic, when they actually mean Pre-Apocalyptic.
In a large natural disaster and even widespread manmade disasters, the local authorities will not be available. (see New Orleans)
They have their own property to protect and families to be concerned with. They will not report for work in large numbers. This will include police, fire, and public works. It will also include hospitals and retail.
All will be understaffed.
All covered, been a preparedness practitioner for 21 years now , hope all gets sorted but the way it looks ATM I'm doubling down .
Medications are already getting hard to get.
I keep putting it off. I need to do it.
plunder and loot?
And dont u think neighnours gling to hear n see u boarding up your house
and just break that if they want in too ?
So where do we take trash without people saying uh huh u have food n especially singles who walk do they leave their home to do so ?